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  • [醉染正版]A to Z Mysteries 神秘案件全套26册盒装 英文原版儿童英语初级桥梁章节书 经典侦探推理小说
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    • 作者: Ron著
    • 出版社: 图书其它
    • 出版时间:2005
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    • 作者: Ron著
    • 出版社:图书其它
    • 出版时间:2005
    • 页数:以实物为准
    • 开本:32开
    • 装帧:盒装
    • ISBN:9780849585337
    • 版权提供:图书其它







    书名:A to Z Mysteries  A to Z神秘案件26册

    作者:Ron Roy (作者), John Steven Gurney (插图作者)
    出版社名称:Random House Books for Young Readers
    商品尺寸:每册约13.3 x 0.6 x 19.2 cm
    页数:约96页/册x 26册





    作为一部经典的儿童文学作品,扣人心弦、趣味十足的A to Z Mysteries《A to Z神秘案件》系列能让小读者们大饱眼福!这套书被广泛地用作英语教学的辅助读物,是孩子课外阅读的好伙伴!书中有大量美国孩子之间的日常对话,不仅为中国孩子学习英语提供了标准、地道的口语素材,也非常适合孩子进行英语阅读训练。
    本套书为A to Z Mysteries系列全套26册。

    Help Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose solve mysteries from A to Z!  
    Kids love collecting the entire alphabet and super editions! With over 8 million copies in print, the A to Z Mysteries® have been hooking chapter book readers on mysteries and reading for years. Now this classic kid favorite is back with a bright new look! 

    Each book includes a map and a letter from the author. Parents, teachers, and librarians agree that these highly collectible chapter books are perfect for emerging readers and any kid who love mysteries! 

    The Absent Author  

    A is for AUTHOR... Dink writes to his favorite author, mystery writer Wallis Wallace, and invites him to visit Green Lawn. Wonder of wonders, Wallace says yes! In fact, the famous writer says that the only way he won’t come is if he’s kidnapped. But when the big day comes, Wallis Wallace is nowhere to be found. The police think he just missed his plane, but Dink knows better. It’s up to Dink and his two best friends, Josh and Ruth Rose, to find Wallace—before it’s too late!

    The Bald Bandit  
    B is for BANDIT... A bandit has robbed the Green Lawn Savings Bank! Dink and his friends Josh and Ruth Rose are ready to help. When a private detective comes to Dink’s door looking for the kid who videotaped the crime, the trio volunteers to find him. After all, there’s a reward! But tracking down one red-headed kid isn’t such an easy job, especially if he doesn’t want to be found. Dink and his friends must find that kid—and his tape—before the bandit does!
    The Canary Caper
    C is for CANARY... Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose get an urgent call from Mrs. David. Her canary is gone! And that’s not all. Three other pets have mysteriously disappeared—including Ruth Rose’s cat, Tiger! The kids are sure a pet-napper is to blame. They won’t stop until they’ve tracked down the thief and returned the stolen pets to their rightful owners!
    The Deadly Dungeon 
    D is for DUNGEON... Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are having a sleepover—in a castle! Dink’s favorite mystery writer, Wallis Wallace, has invited them for a visit. But as soon as they arrive, the kids start hearing screams behind the walls. Wallis Wallace says not to worry, every castle is haunted, but Dink isn’t so sure. Can they discover who—or what—is haunting Moose Manor?
    The Empty Envelope 
    E is for Envelope... Who is sending letters to Dink? All week long, Dink has been getting strange mail. The envelopes are addressed to “D. Duncan,” but the letters inside are for someone named Doris. Plus, one envelope is empty! Could it be a secret code? And can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose crack it? 
    The Falcon’s Feathers
    F is for Falcon... In the sixth book of the A to Z Mysteries—an early chapter book mystery series featuring strong boy and girl characters—Josh discovers a nest of young falcons. He, Dink, and Ruth Rose start checking up on the birds every day. But one morning they find the next empty! Then the kids see one of the falcons with its wing feathers trimmed, and they know someone’s up to no good. Can they figure out what’s going on before it’s too late for the falcons? 
    The Goose’s Gold
    G is for Gold... There’s sunken treasure off the Florida coast! On the day after they arrive for vacation, Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose meet two men who are diving for gold from their boat, the Golden Goose. They promise to share with anyone who backs their plan. Is it too good to be true? 
    The Haunted Hotel
    H is for Haunted... There’s a ghost in Green Lawn! Strange sounds and even stranger sights are terrifying guests at the Shangri-la Hotel. More and more people are being scared away. Will Green Lawn turn into a ghost town? Or can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose stop this spook? 
    The Invisible Island
    I is for Island... It’s picnic time! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose pack up a basket and wade out to Squall Island. Right away, they find a hundred-dollar bill in the sand! But when they come back the next day, the entire island has mysteriously disappeared. What is the secret of Squall Island? 
    The Jaguar’s Jewel
    J is for Jewel... New York is the emerald city! Dink’s uncle’s museum there has a new treasure—a golden jaguar statue with an emerald between its paws. But someone swaps the jewel for a fake! Who stole the jaguar’s jewel? Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are sure to find out! 
    The Kidnapped King
    K is for Kidnapped... The king and queen of Costra have been kidnapped. For his own safety, Prince Sammi comes to Green Lawn to hide out at Dink’s house. But then Sammi is captured, too! Who kidnapped the king and his family? It’s a royal mystery for Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose. 
    The Lucky Lottery
    L is for Lucky... In the twelfth book of the A to Z Mysteries—an early chapter book mystery series featuring strong boy and girl characters—the usually unlucky Lucky O’Leary finally gets some luck when his grandfather sends him a lottery ticket that turns out to be a million-dollar winner!  But before Lucky can cash it in, someone sneaks into his house and steals it. Now it’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to track down the thief and return the ticket - before Lucky loses out! 
    The Missing Mummy
    M is for Mummy... Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose want their mummy! It’s Mummy Monday at the museum, and the kids get to see a child mummy in an actual tomb. But then someone robs the tomb and steals the mummy. Can the three friends unravel the mystery? 
    The Ninth Nugget
    N is for Nugget... Howdy from Montana, pardners! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are spending a week at a dude ranch. When they pan for gold, Josh finds a huge nugget. But gold fever has struck, and soon the nugget is stolen. It’s up to the kids to round up the thief. 
    The Orange Outlaw
    O is for Orange... An art thief is on the loose! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are visiting Dink’s uncle Warren in New York City when a painting is stolen from his apartment. A trail of orange peels and an orange hair are the only clues. Can the kids catch this crafty—and hungry—crook? 
    The Panda Puzzle
    P is for Panda... There’s panda-monium in Green Lawn! The town is building a new park for a panda and her baby. But soon, the baby is panda-napped for a million-dollar ransom. Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose solve the puzzle before Green Lawn has to pay up? 
    The Quicksand Question
    Q is for Quicksand... Quack, quack—ducks crossing! Green Lawn is raising funds for a special bridge to keep ducks safe when they cross River Road. But then the money is stolen! Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are on a quest to get it back. Not even quicksand can stop them.... 
    The Runaway Racehorse
    R is for Racehorse... And they’re off! The kids can’t wait to see Uncle Warren’s racehorse Whirlaway’s big event. But then the horse disappears. He shows up the next day, just in time to lose the race. Why is Whirlaway suddenly so slow? Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are on the case! 
    The School Skeleton
    S is for Skeleton... It’s a bona fide mystery at Dink’s school! Someone has stolen Mr. Bones, the skeleton from the nurse’s office. Soon mysterious clues start showing up all over the school. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose must follow the clues and put those old bones to rest. 
    The Talking T. Rex
    T is for T. Rex... In the twentieth book of the A to Z Mysteries—an early chapter book mystery series featuring strong boy and girl characters—Green Lawn meets its newest - and biggest - visitor; Tyrone the Tyrannosaurus! The kids’ old friend Jud Wheat is in town, and he’s raising finds for a dinosaur museum by taking the T. Rex on tour. But after the show in Green Lawn, all Jud’s money disappears! Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose track down the cash and rescue Jud from this prehistoric pickle? 
    The Unwilling Umpire
    U is for Umpire... Play ball! While the whole town of Green Lawn is watching the women take on the men in a charity baseball game, Mr. Pocket’s prized baseball collection is stolen! The police suspect the umpire of foul play. Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose prove his innocence... or will they strike out? 
    The Vampire’s Vacation
    V is for Vampire... Grab your garlic! When the kids follow a mysterious pale and dark-haired stranger into Ellie’s Diner, he suddenly vanishes! Then they see a cut on Ellie’s neck. Could it be a vampire bite? And will Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose be his next victims? 
    The White Wolf
    W is for Wolf... Where could those wolves be? When the kids visit the Maine wilderness, they spot a white mother wolf and her babies on a cliff. But soon after that, the pups are stolen! Can Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose sniff out the culprits? 
    The X’ed-Out X-Ray
    X is for X-Ray... X marks the spot! When the kids go to a concert, Dink injures his arm. At the same time, the singer’s diamond necklace is stolen. Are the two mishaps connected? And could Dink’s X-ray have the answers? It’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to examine the evidence! 
    The Yellow Yacht
    Y is for Yacht... There’s trouble in paradise! The kids are having a great time swimming, snorkeling, and soaking up the sun in Costra. But the fun is cut short when there’s a robbery on the island. Is the heist connected to a mysterious yacht docked nearby? It’s up to Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose to find out. 
    The Zombie Zone
    Z is for ZOMBIE... In the final book of the A to Z Mysteries—an early chapter book mystery series featuring strong boy and girl characters—Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose are excited to vacation in the Louisiana bayou country. But the small village they visit has a scary problem. The villagers tell stories of voodoo and a giant zombie with silver hair who has been digging up graves in the cemetery. Can the zombie be real? The kids will have to brave the zombie zone to unearth the truth.
    Ron Roy is the author of the popular A to Z Mysteries series, which has sold more than 4.5 million copies, the Capital Mysteries series, and the soon-to-be-published Calendar Mysteries series. When not working on a new book, Ron likes to teach his dog tricks, play poker with friends, travel, and read thrilling mystery books. He lives in Connecticut with his white puppy, Pal.

    Stephen Gilpin is the award-winning illustrator of dozens of children’s books, including the popular and very funny Pirate Mom. He brings his fresh, kid-friendly style to all the covers of the A to Z Mysteries® series.

    The Absent Author  

    The Bald Bandit  
    The Canary Caper
    The Deadly Dungeon 
    The Empty Envelope
    The Falcon’s Feathers
    The Goose’s Gold
    The Haunted Hotel 
    The Invisible Island   
    The Jaguar’s Jewel
    The Kidnapped King 
    The Lucky Lottery
    The Missing Mummy
    The Ninth Nugget
    The Orange Outlaw
    The Panda Puzzle  
    The Quicksand Question
    The Runaway Racehorse
    The School Skeleton
    The Talking T. Rex  
    The Unwilling Umpire
    The Vampire’s Vacation
    The White Wolf
    The X’ed-Out X-Ray
    The Yellow Yacht  
    The Zombie Zone


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