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  • [正版]正版 爱上时尚生活 英文原版书 Love Style Life 时尚摄影 法国街拍女王 Garance Dore
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    • 作者: Garance著
    • 出版社: 图书其它
    • 出版时间:2015
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    • 作者: Garance著
    • 出版社:图书其它
    • 出版时间:2015
    • 页数:272
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9782797792169
    • 版权提供:图书其它


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    书名:Love Style Life爱上时尚生活
    作者:Garance Doré
    出版社名称:Spiegel & Grau
    商品尺寸:18 x 1.8 x 23.1 cm

    粉丝数超过4万人的法国街拍女王Garance Doré出书了!

    法国时尚部落客GaranceDoré以擅长捕捉法式优雅品味、平易近人的穿搭技巧及坦率幽默的个性,吸引全世界超过4万的粉丝关注。身为时尚界受欢迎的名人,她的穿衣品味永远受到时尚编辑的青睐,更让许多潮流人士以GaranceDoré为创作灵感。本书Love Style Life《爱上时尚生活》结合巴黎的优雅及纽约的洒脱,是一本教你如何散发出法国女人般优雅气质的时尚圣经。

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “The guardian of all style” (The New York Times Magazine) shares stories on life, love, style, and career, from Paris to New York, and inspires readers to cultivate an effortless chic that is all their own.
    Garance Doré, the voice and vision behind her eponymous blog, has captivated millions of readers worldwide with her fresh and appealing approach to style through storytelling. This gorgeously illustrated book takes readers on a unique narrative journey that blends Garance’s inimitable photography and illustrations with the candid, hard-won wisdom drawn from her life and her travels. Infused with her Left Bank sensibility, the eclecticism of her adopted city of New York, and the wild, passionate spirit of her native Corsica, Love Style Life is a backstage pass behind fashion’s frontlines, peppered with French-girl-next-door wit and advice on everything from mixing J.Crew with Chanel, to falling in love, to pursuing a life and career that is the perfect reflection of you.

    Praise for Garance Doré and Love Style Life:
    “The most elegant, funny, truthful book on style, love and life. Garance is an original with the cutest French accent.”—Jenna Lyons, president and creative director, J.Crew
    “This charming book by fashion blogger Doré is part memoir and part style guide, gathered together in a chic, Gallic-inflected package.”—Publishers Weekly
    “The guardian of all style.”—The New York Times Magazine

    “One of blogdom’s most compelling storytellers.”—The New York Times
    “Doré’s mix of portrait photography, illustrations, collages, and stream-of-consciousness writing . . . has given the fashion world en masse a girl crush.”—Interview
    “Garance Doré embodies effortless French style.”—Martha Stewart Living
    成为受欢迎的时尚部落客后,Garance Doré的穿衣哲学成为流行指标,她喜欢融入混搭风格,有香奈儿的高贵优雅,也有平价品牌ZARA的随性洒脱,甚至在她挑选街拍的题材中也贯穿这种特殊别致的风格。Doré镜头下的街拍人物,时常透露出一种灵性美,独特的优雅气息,也是她一直在书中强调的主题。Doré认为真正的优雅必须从生活及内心中散发,了解真实的自我,不盲从流行,展现自信,热爱生活,才是维持美丽及时尚的不二法则。

    Love Style Life《爱上时尚生活》这本时尚圣经包含了Garance Doré独特的穿搭技巧,街拍摄影及她擅长的时尚插画作品;集合了她在部落格发表的作品,更收录她喜爱的私藏彩妆品及配件单品,打造出亲近Doré多彩多姿的时尚生活之作。
    插画家,摄影师及成功经营时尚部落格的Garance Doré,一直是时尚界受欢迎的宠儿。她所经营的部落格内容丰富,透过她独到的摄影手法,记录下的日常巴黎女子展现出的迷人的香榭风情。Doré更跨领域与以衬衫闻名的服装品牌设备合作,推出印有她的插画的丝质服饰,拍摄各种搭配技巧,教你如何利用这些时尚单品,穿出法国女人般的自信及优雅。

    Garance Doré is a photographer, illustrator, author, and founder of an eponymous influential style blog. Winner of the CFDA Eugenia Sheppard Media Award, Doré has contributed both as a writer and photographer to publications including American, British, and Paris Vogue, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, T Magazine, Elle, The Guardian, and New York magazine. Originally from Corsica, she currently lives in New York City. This is her first book.
    I’ve been sharing my thoughts on life, love, and style for almost ten years now, which makes me:
    1. A complete over-sharer.
    2. A pretty seasoned opinion-giver.
    3. Well, it should have made me super stylish.
    So why did I pick this stupid pair of shoes this morning?
    On my blog I’ve talked about matters so light (do I really need a pair of kitten heels?) that they evaporated an hour after being published, and subjects so deep (burying my grandmother in Morocco) that I still receive incredibly heartfelt letters about them to this day. I’ve written about things so embarrassing they made me want to melt into the floor, and I’ve also written of my proudest moments.
    Sharing my stories came to me pretty late in life, but the day I got the hang of it, I began to understand the incredible power of letting your guard down, even with people you barely know.
    Because when you open yourself, people will magically open up to you.
    My blog began quite practically, as a way to share my illustrations. But I soon realized that what I really wanted was to start a conversation, just to see if there were other crazies like me out there. As it turns out, there were.
    I embarked on a quest to capture the true essence of style. My journey took me from Corsica to the South of France to Paris to New York, and many places in between. And as I’ve come to learn, “style” is about so much more than the clothes we wear. It’s the way we walk, the way we smile, the sparkle in our eyes, the way we live our lives. Style is a universal language, and it has the power to connect us.

    I grew up in a tiny beach town in Ajaccio, Corsica, but my heart belongs to Paris and New York, my two adopted home cities. Two cities that are both so fascinating and inspiring, so similar and yet so different. I could devote an entire book to comparing their quirks and assets. and how I’ve tried to take the best of each for myself. Trying to hold onto my French-ness by celebrating my imperfections and savoring my daily glass of red wine, while embracing that wonderful, empowering New York swagger. Being a French woman with an incorrigible sense of irony—but also letting myself get taken by the American dream. And realizing along the way that no matter what city we’re in, we all want the same thing.

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