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  • [正版]闪电式扩张 建设高价值公司的快速通道英文原版 Blitzscaling 对于新兴创业公司生死时展的思考与探讨
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    • 作者: Reid著
    • 出版社: 哈珀柯林斯(Harper Collins US)
    • 出版时间:2018
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    • 作者: Reid著
    • 出版社:哈珀柯林斯(Harper Collins US)
    • 出版时间:2018
    • 页数:以实物为准
    • 开本:32开
    • ISBN:9789213071297
    • 版权提供:哈珀柯林斯(Harper Collins US)


    为保障消费者合理购买需求及公平交易机会,避免因非生活消费目的的购买货囤积商品,抬价转售等违法行为发生,店铺有权对异常订单不发货且不进行赔付。异常订单:包括但不限于相同用户ID批量下单,同一用户(指不同用户ID,存在相同/临近/虚构收货地址,或相同联系号码,收件人,同账户付款人等情形的)批量下单(一次性大于5本),以及其他非消费目的的交易订单。 温馨提示:请务必当着快递员面开箱验货,如发现破损,请立即拍照拒收,如验货有问题请及时联系在线客服处理,(如开箱验货时发现破损,所产生运费由我司承担,一经签收即为货物完好,如果您未开箱验货,一切损失就需要由买家承担,所以请买家一定要仔细验货), 关于退货运费:对于下单后且物流已发货货品在途的状态下,原则上均不接受退货申请,如顾客原因退货需要承担来回运费,如因产品质量问题(非破损问题)可在签收后,联系在线客服。

    书名:Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies闪电式扩张:建设高价值公司的快速通道

    作者:Reid Hoffman;Chris Yeh
    商品尺寸:15.3 x 2.6 x 23.4 cm
    页数:288 (以实物为准)

    雷德·霍夫曼是全球zui大的职业社交网站领英LinkedIn的联合创始人,他和另一位学者克里斯·叶合著出版了一本新书Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies《闪电式扩张:建设高价值公司的快速通道》,讲述了初创公司如何抓住时机快速扩张,打败竞争对手,成为行业领跑者的商业逻辑。




    Foreword by Bill Gates
    From the authors of New York Times bestsellers, The Alliance and The Start-up of You, comes a smart and accessible must-have guide for budding entrepreneurs everywhere.
    Silicon Valley is renowned for its striking number of businesses which have grown from garage start-ups into global giants; Apple, Cisco, Google, HP and Intel to name a few. But what is the secret to their outstanding success? Hoffman and Yeh explain that it’s simple: they’ve learnt how to blitzscale.
    Featuring case studies from numerous prominent tech businesses such as AirBnB and WeChat, this book offers a specific set of practices for catalysing and managing dizzying growth in bourgeoning start-ups. Prioritising speed over efficiency in an environment of uncertainty, Blitzscaling illustrates how businesses can accelerate to the stage in a company’s life cycle where the most value is generated. Using the framework provided by Hoffman and Yeh, readers will learn how to design business models which simultaneously support growth at a furious pace and capture the market, as well as how to navigate the necessary shifts in strategy needed at each level of scale.

    “The case studies you’re about to explore and the tools you’re about to gain have never been more relevant. This is an ideal moment to be reading this book.”–Bill Gates

    “The book the start-up world has been waiting for. I can’t think of any other that so perfectly captures the specific challenges – and opportunities – that a company faces at every stage of growth. This book shares some of the key secrets for building mission-oriented, global businesses at speed.”–Brian Chesky, cofounder and CEO, AirBnb

    “Blitzscaling shows how companies can build value for customers and shareholders in the digital age. A compelling inside view of how the new economy is being built and is transforming global business.”–Sheryl Sandberg, New York Times bestselling author of Lean In and Option B

    “This is the best book I’ve ever read on how to grow a company rapidly – and when that’s even worth trying in the first place. With a rare combination of fresh insights, vivid cases, and actionable advice, it’s a must-read for entrepreneurs and executives.”–Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Originals 

    Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies《闪电式扩张:建设高价值公司的快速通道》通过亚马逊、Apple、Twitter、Facebook等翔实的公司案例,讲述了闪电扩张的益处与做法。



    雷德·霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman),1967年8月5日出生。LinkedIn联合创始人,曾经担任过PayPal副总裁,是硅谷有名的天使投资者之一,曾经投资过60多家创业公司,包括Facebook和Digg。

    Reid Hoffman is a partner at the leading VC firm Greylock Partners and an early investor in Facebook, Flickr, and Zynga. He co-founded LinkedIn in 2003; it now has more than 200 million members globally, and was acquired by Microsoft for $26 billion, the biggest acquisition in the tech giant's history. He serves on the boards of Airbnb, Convoy, Edmodo, and Microsoft and leads the Greylock Discovery Fund, which invests in seed-stage entrepreneurs and companies. He was previously a founding member and executive vice president at PayPal. He earned his master's degree in philosophy from Oxford University as a Marshall Scholar, and his bachelor's degree from Stanford University.

    克里斯·叶(Chris Yeh曾获得哈佛商学院MBA学位,并被授予“贝克学者”的称号,是PBworks的市场营销副总监,他的目标是“帮助有意思的人做有意思的事”。
    Chris Yeh is an entrepreneur, writer, and mentor. He earned two Bachelor's degrees with distinction from Stanford University and an MBA from Harvard Business School, where he was a Baker Scholar. He is the VP of Marketing at PBworks and general partner at Wasabi Ventures.

    Part I: What Is Blitzscaling?

    Part II: Business Model Innovation
    Part III: Strategy Innovation
    Part IV: Management Innovation
    Part V: The Broader Landscape of Blitzscaling
    Part VI: Responsible Blitzscaling

    When a market is up for grabs, the risk isn’t inefficiency— the risk is playing it too safe. If you win, efficiency isn’t that important; if you lose, efficiency is completely irrelevant. Over the years, many have criticized Amazon for its risky strategy of consuming capital without delivering consistent profits, but Amazon is probably glad that its “inefficiency” helped it win several key markets—online retail, ebooks, and cloud computing, to name just a few.

    When you blitzscale, you deliberately make decisions and commit to them even though your confidence level is substantially lower than 100 percent. You accept the risk of making the wrong decision and willingly pay the cost of significant operating inefficiencies in exchange for the ability to move faster. These risks and costs are acceptable because the risk and cost of being too slow is even greater. But blitzscaling is more than just plunging ahead blindly in an effect to “get big fast” to win the market. To mitigate the downside of the risks you take, you should try to focus them—line them up with a small number of hypotheses about how your business will develop so that you can more easily understand and monitor what drives your success or failure. You also have to be prepared to execute with more than 100 percent effort to compensate for the bets that don’t go your way.
    For example, anyone who knows Jeff Bezos knows that he didn’t simply mash his foot down on the gas pedal; Amazon has intentionally invested aggressively in the future, and, despite its accounting losses, generates a ton of cash. Amazon’s operating cash flow was over $16 billion in 2016, but it spent $10 billion in investments and $4 billion paying down debt. Its seemingly meager profits are a feature of its aggressive strategy, not a bug.
    Blitzscaling requires more than just courage and skill on the part of the entrepreneur. It also requires an environment that is willing to finance intelligent risks with both financial capital and human capital, which are the essential ingredients for blitzscaling. Think of them as fuel and oxygen; you need both to propel the rocket skyward. Meanwhile, the infrastructure of your organization is the actual structure of your rocket, which you’re rebuilding on the fly as you rise.



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