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  • 音像儿童语言发展引论(英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩
  • 正版
    • 作者: (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩著 | (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩编 | (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩译 | (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩绘
    • 出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
    • 出版时间:2022-04-01
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  • 商品参数
    • 作者: (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩著| (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩编| (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩译| (英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩绘
    • 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
    • 出版时间:2022-04-01
    • 版次:1
    • 印次:1
    • 页数:272
    • 开本:16开
    • ISBN:9787521328981
    • 版权提供:外语教学与研究出版社
    • 作者:(英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩
    • 著:(英)苏珊·H.福斯特·科恩
    • 装帧:平装
    • 印次:1
    • 定价:42.00
    • ISBN:9787521328981
    • 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社
    • 开本:16开
    • 印刷时间:暂无
    • 语种:暂无
    • 出版时间:2022-04-01
    • 页数:272
    • 外部编号:1202725508
    • 版次:1
    • 成品尺寸:暂无

    Preface: How to use this book xix

    Acknowledgements xxiii

    1 What do children bring to the language acquisition task? 1

    Chapter summary 1

    Introduction 1

    Two different approaches 4

    Comece versus performance 9

    Some recurring questions 10

    Some premises 11

    estions for discussion 13

    An activity 13

    Further reading 14

    2 How do children communicate before they can use language? 16

    Chapter summary 16

    Clues for understanding 16

    Facial expressions 17

    Cries, coos and grunts 19

    Infant speech perception 20

    Babbling 22

    The transition to language 24

    First words 26

    Gestures 27

    Language and gesture 28

    Discussion of in-text exercises 30

    estions for discussion 31

    Some activities 31

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities 32

    Further reading 34

    3 When does language development start? 35

    Chapter summary 35

    Whats in a word? 35

    Meaning through word and context 39

    Early vocabulary 42

    Semantic descriptions of early utterances 44

    Arguments for a richer account of early utterances 46

    To be or not to be a language 52

    Discussion of in-text exercises 53

    estions for discussion 57

    Some activities 57

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities 60

    Further reading 61

    4 How do young children think language works? 62

    Chapter summary 62

    Looking at children’s language 62

    Analysing children’s language 67

    Discussion of in-text exercises 87

    estions for discussion 89

    Some activities 89

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities 92

    Further reading 93

    5 What influences language development? 95

    Chapter summary 95

    What is inpundhw much is enough? 95

    Input at the right time: the ‘critical period’ 96

    Is active communication necessary? 97

    The nature of Baby Talk 98

    The value of Baby Talk 100

    Universal Grammar 107

    Words are more cunning than they let on 110

    Discussion of in-text exercises 114

    estions for discussion 114

    An activity 115

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activity 116

    Further reading 117

    6 Do all children learn language the same way? 119

    Chapter summary 119

    Types of variation 119

    Different endpoints 120

    Differences in path of development 129

    Differences in rate of development 138

    Discussion of in-text exercises 140

    estions for discussion 140

    Some activities 141

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions 142

    Further reading 143

    7&es;De it matter which language(s) you learn? 144

    Chapter summary 144

    Introduction 144

    So what’s so very different,anyway? 145

    A parameter theory o anuage acquisition 148

    How do children become bilingual? 154

    Discussion of in-text exercises 164

    estions for discussion 165

    Some activities 165

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities 167

    Further reading 169

    8 When does language development stop? 171

    Chapter summary 171

    Later oral language development 171

    Pragmatic aspects of later language development 176

    Basic steps in learning to read 179

    Basic steps in learning to write 181

    Metalinguistic development 183

    Discussion of in-text exercises 196

    estions for discussion 198 

    Some activities 199

    Solutions to and comments on discussion questions and activities 201

    Further reading 202

    Appendix 1 Tools for studying children’s language 203

    Transcription 203

    Mean Length of Utterance calculations 205

    T-unit calculations 206

    Some dos and donts of research design 207

    Finding data 208

    Bulletin boards 209

    Journals in child language 209

    Associations 210

    Conferences 210

    Further reading 210

    Appendix 2 Phonetic symbols 211

    Consonants 212

    Vowels 213

    Other symbols 213

    Bibliography 214

    Index 229




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