Chapter 1 Jasmine: Self-assertion in Metamorphoses
1.1 Hybrid Identity as Agency
1.2 Self-orientalization as Tools
1.3 Mukherjee's Celebration of Fluid Identities
Chapter 2 The Holder of the World: Rebelliousness in Transgression
2.1 Transgression of Gender and Racial Boundaries
2.2 Liberation of Female Sensuality
2.3 Mukherjee's Deconstruction of American National Myth of Origin
Chapter 3 Desirable Daughters and The Tree Bride: Self-reflection in Immigration
3.1 Desirable Daughters: Reflection upon Different Cultural Affiliations
3.2 The Tree Bride: Criticism of Colonial History and Re-evaluation of Homeland Culture
3.3 A New Turn in Mukherjee's Writing of Immigration
Works Cited