1 Overview of RFID system anti-collision technology 1.1 RFID collision problem and research progress of anti-collision 1.2 RFID system anti-collision technology 1.2.1 Information channel and channel capacity 1.2.2 Software anti-collision 1.2.3 Physical anti-collision 1.3 Physical anti-collision 1.3.1 Definition of physical collision avoidance 1.3.2 The main features of physical collision avoidance 1.3.3 The structure of the physical anti-collision system References 2 RFID system physical anti-collision experimental verification 2.1 RFID tag group performance measurement 2.1.1 Tag group sensitivity 2.1.2 Measurement system designed 2.1.3 Single tag sensitivity measurement 2.1.4 Tag group sensitivity measurement 2.2 Image feature matching experiment of RFID system physical anti-collision 2.2.1 Image feature matching based on SIFT algorithm 2.2.2 Image feature matching based on SURF algorithm 2.2.3 Image feature matching based on ORB algorithm 2.2.4 Algorithm comparison results and analysis 2.2.5 Image feature matching 2.3 Conclusion References 3 Physical theory of RFID system physical anti-collision 3.1 Thermodynamic analysis of physical anti-collision -Research on the effect of temperature on tag performance 3.1.1 Fundamental principles 3.1.2 Design of the experimentation system 3.1.3 Experimental method and result analysis 3.2 Electromagnetism analysis of physical anti-collision-Research on the effect of humidity and salt fog on tag performance 3.2.1 Effect of humidity on the moving identifying performance of UHF RFID System 3.2.2 Effect of salt mist on the moving identifying performance of UHF RFID System 3.3 Kinetic analysis of physical anti-collision - Fisher information matrix 3.3.1 Channel model 3.3.2 Computer simulation and analysis 3.3.3 Antenna selection techniques 3.4 Conclusion References 4 Image theory of RFID system physical anti-collision 4.1 Tag distribution based on image matching 4.1.1 Algorithm design 4.1.2 Experiment 4.2 Image processing in multi-tag movement 4.2.1 Image deblur theory 4.2.2 Estimation of image blurred angle based on Gabor filter 4.2.3 Estimation of image blurred length based on generalized regression neural network (GRNN) 4.2.4 De-motion blur analysis and analysis 4.3 RFID tag positioning method 4.3.1 mage matching overviev 4.3.2 Image threshold segmentation technology 4.3.3 Edge detection algorithm 4.4 3D space RFID tag location 4.5 A novel reverse design method of tag antenna based on image analysis 4.5.1 Introduction 4.5.2 Design of UHF RFID dipole tag antenna 4.5.3 UHF RFID tag bend dipole antenna analysis 4.6 Conclusion References 5 Optimization algorithm and RFID system physical anti-collision 5.1 Physical anti-collision based on Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) 5.1.1 Design and application of detection system 5.1.2 Establishment of 3D tag network based on template matching and edge detection 5.1.3 Prediction of tag distribution based on PSO neural network 5.2 Physical anti-collision based on Support Vector Machine (SVM) 5.2.1 RFID detection system 5.2.2 Position location of tags 5.2.3 Predict model of RFID tags'distribution based on SVM 5.3 Physical anti-collision based on Wavelet 5.3.1 Design of image analysis system 5.3.2 3D coordinate measurement of RFID tag 5.3.3 RFID multi-tag wavelet neural network 5.4 Conclusion References 6 Deep learning and RFID system physical anti-collision 6.1 RFID multi-tag 3D measurement system 6.1.1 System architecture 6.1.2 Image process module 6.2 The theory RFID multi-tag image denoising by FDnCNN 6.2.1 The proposed FDnCNN network architecture