Lesson OneBrief Introduction on Several Types of Ships
Text Reading
1. Container Ships
2. Multipurpose Ships
3. Tankers
4. Bulk Carriers
$. Cruise Ships
Expanding Reading:Some Other Types of Ships
1. Refrigerated Ships
2. Chemical Tankers
3. Tugs
4. The "Maritime" Offshore
Lesson TwoHull Construction
Text Reading
1. General
2. Framing System
3. Frame
4. Shell
5. Bottom and Side
6. Deck and Bulkhead
7. Fore Ship
8. Aft Ship
9. Engine Room
Expanding Reading
1. Holds
2. Engine Room
3. Accommodation
Lesson ThreeWorkmanship for Hull Building
Text Reading
1. Lofting
2. Material Marking
3. Processing of Hull Members
4. Fabrication and Welding of Hull
S. Tightness Test
6. Ship Launching
7. Welding
Expanding Reading
1. Preliminary Work
2. Design and Construction
3. Delivery
Lesson FourPrincipal Dimensions
Text Reading
1. Principal Dimensions
2. Proportions & Form Coefficients
Expanding Learning
1. Register Tonnage
2. Gross Tonnage
3. Net Tonnage
4. Displacement ( m3 )
5. Displacement (t)
6. Light Displacement(t)
Lesson FiveShip Drawings
Text Reading
1. Preface
2. Lines Plan
3. General Arrangement Plan
4. Basic Structural Plan
Expanding Reading
1. Shell Expansion Plan
2. Frame Body Plan
3. Midship Section Plan
Lesson SixSeakeeping Performance
Text Reading
1. Floatability
2. Stability
3. Fast Speed
4. Roll an Pitch
5. FloodabUity
6. Maneuverability
Expanding Learning
1. Add-on stability systems
2. Outriggers
3. Antiroll tanks
4. Paravanes
5. Active systems
6. Stabilizer fins
7. Gyroscopic internal stabilizers
Lesson SevenMaintenance and Docking
Text Reading
1. Construction Materials for Ships
2. Corrosion
3. Paint
4. Painting
5. Docking
6. Maintenance and Repairs
Expanding Learning
1. Preparation for Painting
Lesson EightOutfitting
Text Reading
1. Engine Outfitting
2. Ship outfitting
3. Electricity outfitting
Expanding Learning
1. Auxiliary Systems of Diesel Engines
2. The Power Systems of Diesel Engines
3. The Fire - Fighting
4. The Bilge System
5. The Ballast System
6. The Water Supply System
7. The Steam and Aux. Boiler System
8. The Ventilation and Air Conditioning System
9. The Refrigerating Plant
10. The Fresh Water Production Plant
Lesson NineThe Coating Application
Text Reading
1. Preface
2. Brusher Application
3. Roller Application
4. Conventional (Air) Spray
5. Airless Spray
Expanding Reading
1. High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) Spray
2. Air-Assisted Airless Spray
3. Plural Component Spray
Lesson TenSurvey
Text Reading
1. Periodical Surveys
2. Hull Surveys of Very Large Crude Carriers
3. Examination in Drydock
Extending Reading
1. The Shipyard
2. The Ship' s Owner
3. The Classification Society
Dialog 1Brief Discussion on Ship
Scene Ⅰ
Scene Ⅱ
Dialog 2Brief Discussion on Ship Structure
Scene Ⅰ
Scene Ⅱ
Dialog 3Brief Introduction of Ship Equipment and Outfitting Item
Scene Ⅰ
Scene Ⅱ
Dialog 4Gain the Knowledge of Hull Construction Process
Scene Ⅰ
Scene Ⅱ
Dialog 5Surface Preparation and Coating Application
Scene Ⅰ
Scene Ⅱ
Scene Ⅲ
Scene Ⅳ